Bognor Regis Seafront Lights - new technology

Image of blue and green festoon lighting display on Bognor Regis Seafront
Image credit: BRSFL / Jack Boskett


Bognor Regis Seafront Lights have received a high tech boost so you can enjoy the beautiful displays as soon as it starts to get dark, 365 days of the year.

In February 2024, all 81 displays were updated with new “astronomical timer” technology which reduces electricity use across the entire low-energy scheme by 10%. Whereas the old timers meant every single column had to be manually adjusted when the clocks changed, the new timers now automatically adjust, coming on at dusk and turning off at 11pm every day of the year.

The astronomical timers have been installed on columns of seafront lighting stretching all the way along the Promenade from Nyewood Lane in the west to Gloucester Road in the east, plus Gloucester Road, Waterloo Square and the new displays added to West Street. The existing festoon installations at York Road, (Little) High Street and Norfolk Street have also been fitted with the new timers, so when the lights come on in Bognor Regis, they ALL come on in Bognor Regis!

The project was fully funded through Arun’s allocation of the UK Shared Prosperity Fun, and was delivered by Bognor Regis Business Improvement District, in partnership with volunteer-run Bognor Regis Seafront Front Lights.

If you’d like to know more about how the seafront lights in Bognor Regis are funded and managed, plus the brilliant events the volunteers deliver each year, click on this link to visit the BRSFL Facebook Page. 

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