Jess Greenham - Little Piggies Soft Play Café

Jess Greenham of Little Piggies Soft Play Café Bognor Regis
Photo by Peter Flude

Jess Greenham is the owner of Little Piggies Soft Play Café, which opened its doors in June 2021 in Bedford Street, opposite Morrison’s supermarket.

Little Piggies offers a fantastic range of experiences for parents and children of all ages, with regular workshops and groups, soft play sessions for children aged up to six years old. Jess was driven by the desire to bring something unique to Bognor Regis and to offer a place of community and refuge for new and first-time mums.

‘The best way to describe Little Piggies, is a “soft play café”, but it would also be a kind of ‘hub area’ as well, because I’ve also got baby groups and other groups taking place. I’m trying to incorporate everything surrounding children and families and parents and make it a sociable, meet up area, and accommodate as many people as I can.’

Jess Greenham of Little Piggies Soft Play Café Bognor Regis
Photo by by Peter Flude

In sharing her ‘why’ for opening Little Piggies, it clearly comes down to one thing for Jess: her family. With the support of her partner, brother and dad, Jess’s dream became a reality, and whilst admitting the hard work involved, and the huge learning curve she’s been through, it’s evident it’s a journey she’s immensely proud of.

Jess’s commitment to the community extends to her team of staff – all young people from the local area, who she aims to support as they enter their working life.

‘I would encourage the hospitality industry to give young people a chance, as they may not have the experience you’re looking for, but you are giving them experience which they can then take with them when they leave to go to college or university. It does mean a quick turnover of staff, but I feel it’s important to give the next generation of Bognor Regis that helping hand as they start out.’

Jess Greenham of Little Piggies Soft Play Café Bognor Regis
Photo by Peter Flude

Jess’s passion for her work and her community shines through in everything she does. Her dedication to providing a safe and welcoming space for families is evident in the care and attention she puts into every aspect of Little Piggies. Jess’s positive attitude and determination to succeed are an inspiration to all who meet her. She is a true example of what can be achieved with hard work, perseverance, and a love for what you do.Remember to check out the Little Piggies website or social media for specific event details and any additional activities they might be offering. Enjoy your time at Little Piggies Cafe!

Find Little Piggies online: and Facebook and Instagram.

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