The Reynolds Family

Stephen, Freya and Matthew Reynolds at Reynolds Furniture Store Bognor Regis
Photo by Peter Flude

The Reynolds family has been an integral part of Bognor Regis’s High Street for over 150 years. Their independent business has stood the test of time, with a story steeped in British history and tradition. The secret to their success? The Reynolds make it personal.

We’re delighted to introduce you to Stephen and Matthew Reynolds (5th Generation), and Freya Reynolds (6th Generation) to find out what makes them one of the most loved independent businesses in West Sussex.

The business was started by Samuel Reynolds, a 19-year-old cabinet maker from Essex. Over the years, the family business expanded to include an auction room, appraisers, house agents, upholsters, and undertakers.

Stephen talks about his great, great, grandfather’s experience and drive to grow the Reynolds family business.

‘Looking through our family history, he came to Bognor Regis from Essex, where we think he was apprenticed as a cabinet maker about age 13. We’ve got a lot to be grateful to him for, because he built the business up under many different guises. He was very much an entrepreneur.’

Stephen Reynolds
Stephen Reynolds Photo by Peter Flude

Today, there are three main areas to the business: The Furniture Store, the Funeral Directors, and the Self-Storage business.

The Reynolds family prides themselves on their personal service and quality products. Stephen Reynolds, the Funeral Director, explains, ‘We’re not going to be the cheapest funeral directors, but we offer that quality service which makes the difference.’ Freya Reynolds, who manages the Furniture Store, adds, ‘The quality of the furniture, and the quality of the service we provide makes us quite unique in that respect, compared to competitors.’

The Reynolds family has adapted to changing times. The self-storage part of the business has seen an increase in demand in recent years. The Furniture Store has also had to adapt to supply-chain issues and changes in customer behaviour.

Despite the changes our high streets have faced over the past 150 years, the Reynolds family remains committed to their community and their customers. ‘It’s not just how we treat our customers, it is also our staff,’ says Freya. ‘We have employees that have been with us for years and years because we do like treat everybody well.’

Freya Reynolds
Freya Reynolds Photo by Peter Flude

Freya also talks about how their clientele still appreciate walking into the store and browsing their products in person, and how their four floors cater for all tastes and budgets.

‘We do have traditional-style items, and we’ve also modernised our products over the years. We have mid-entry products, middle-market products as well as an upmarket price range. And across the board, quality is always at the forefront of our range and is something we are known for.  It amazes me how, even though people live here, they still don’t know there’s four floors!’

Matthew Reynolds is the Financial Director, and still at the helm as Chairman is their father, Norman Reynolds.  Matthew believes their flexible approach and ability to adapt to changing environments has contributed to the businesses’ success.

Matthew Reynolds
Matthew Reynolds Photo by Peter Flude

It’s not just business for the Reynolds family either, ‘We are a family-run business, we all live in Bognor and are locally based. We have always got involved in the community and do a lot for our local football and boxing clubs. We do a quiz night, a couple of times a year to raise money for different charities.’

The Reynolds family’s personal service and commitment to quality have made them one of the most loved independent businesses in West Sussex. Their story is a testament to the strength of family values and the importance of adapting to changing times.

You can find Reynolds online:

Reynolds Furniture: and Facebook and Instagram
Reynolds Storage:
Reynolds Funerals: and Facebook and Instagram

To read more about Reynold’s history, click and download their 150 Year Anniversary Booklet here

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