Funshine Days

06-08-2024 - 29-08-2024

11:00am - 15:00pm

Free children’s activities taking place on the Bandstand on Bognor Regis seafront, the Skate Park, and the Bandstand at Hotham Park, all from 11am until 3pm.

Dates for promenade bandstand Funshine Days are:

6th August: Bognor H20 Day – inc. Surf Simulator

8th August: Punch & Judy

13th August: Malcolm the Magician

14th August: Non-stop gaming buses

Dates for Skate Park Funshine Days are:

7th August: Skate workshop – Team Rubicon

15th August: Scooter workshop – Team Rubicon

Dates for Hotham Park bandstand Funshine Days are:

20th August: Nick Clark Balloon Modelling

21st August: Bamboo Tamboo & Steel Drums

22nd August: Zaz the Clown

27th August: Poi & hula hoop workshop

28th August: Circus skills and slack line workshop

29th August: Street dance workshop

This event is subject to land permissions from Arun District Council, and weather permitting. Please follow Bognor Regis Town Council Events Facebook page for the most up-to-date information.