The Bognor Regis Time Portal
29-03-2024 - 30-09-2025
The Bognor Regis Time Portal is a brand-new, free to use, immersive experience located on Bognor Regis’s seafront.
Using augmented reality technology, the portal allows us to get a glimpse of life in the 19th century, with recreations of the wooden bathing machines that once lined the beach brought back in three dimensions for you to explore. You’ll also meet a life-sized hologram of a Victorian celebrity: Mary Wheatland. Mary was a bathing machine proprietor, lifesaver, and swimming teacher who worked on the beach for over sixty years, and she is credited with saving over thirty lives from the sea. She is often called the “Mermaid of Bognor.” In honour of the remarkable role that Mary played in the town’s history, this work has been created to commemorate the 100th anniversary of her death in 1924.
You will need a smartphone or tablet with a mobile signal to view the augmented reality. The experience has sound, so headphones are recommended at busy times.
There is also an option to turn on closed caption subtitles. Just tap the CC button on your phone screen during the experience. In addition, for those who are blind or visually impaired we have created an audio described version. This has also been transcribed for screen readers.